My Six Healthy Living Tips + WORKOUT GEAR GIVEAWAY


As much as we often rely on New Year's as the "perfect" time to improve certain life aspects for the better, I'm a strong believer behind starting anew anytime, anywhere. If you're unhappy with a certain life aspect, just know that you have the power to change the direction of your life if you have the right mindset and motivation. And one significant part our lives that I wanted to talk to you guys about today is health and how important it is to make healthy choices in our everyday lives, both physically and mentally.


Photography By:
Thy Nguyen from @thy.time

A healthy lifestyle can only be achieved when you treat it like an everyday routine instead of a short-term goal. Thus, I always enjoy making one realistic short-term goal that I can stick to before moving on to the next big goal. For 2018, I aim to become healthier both physically and mentally. However, for today's blog post, I'll be focusing on the more physical aspects of healthy living! With that being said, I wanted to share a few health-related tips that I plan to implement into my everyday lifestyle and I hope that sharing these tips will help motivate yourself towards a healthier life as well! Plus, I have a fun GIVEAWAY for you guys at the end of this blog post so keep reading along to find out how to win an entire WORKOUT GEAR OUTFIT for yourself!


1. Incorporate exercise into your schedule like it's a MUST - like brushing your teeth or taking a shower.

More often than not, we make excuses as to why we don't have time to exercise when we really have all of the time right in front of us. Find yourself with the free time to scroll through your Instagram feed or watch a 10-minute YouTube video? Yeah buddy, don't lie to me - you definitely have time to work out.

If you're a busy bee like me and are always on-the-go, you can always devote anywhere from 5-30 minutes to do a quick, high intensity workout at home if you don't have enough time to hit the gym. If you are consistent towards squeezing in quick workouts around your busy schedule, your hard work and dedication will really make all the difference - both physically and mentally.

Personally, the longer I go without a workout, the more lethargic I feel for days on end. Dedicating a portion of your day to exercise allows you to take a mental break from work and the stresses of life to focus on just you. Just think of working out as the "me" time you've always wanted. Remember that we use our body every single day, so we should be finding ways to take care of it to the best of our abilities as well.

In fact, Blogilates is one of my favorite fitness YouTubers and I've included a few of my go-to videos that will BURN every inch of your body once you're finished with them! Trust me when I say to not let a cute and motivational individual like her make you underestimate these workouts - they are definitely challenging ;)

Quick Burn Arms (8 minutes)
Plie Squat Challenge (8.5 minutes)
5 Minute Flat Abs
Perfect 10 Minute Abs
Lift Your Booty Workout (7.5 minutes)
Kick Butt Blaster (8.5 minutes)

2. Drink more water.

One useful tip I read a long time ago was to drink one glass of water before every meal so that you already start the meal partially full. Not only does this help you consume less calories, but it helps you stay hydrated as well!

3. Keep a reusable water bottle with you at all times - at your desk, in your purse, by your nightstand.

This year, I plan to utilize a reusable water bottle wherever I go. If you didn't already know, I tell my friends that I'm like a redwood tree because I drink gallons and gallons of water per day, LOL! By refilling your reusable bottle with fresh water, you're saving your health from the nasty carcinogens lurking in plastic bottles, money from purchasing new water bottles, and you're saving the environment as well! Plus, if you're all for supporting environmentally friendly causes, then can I just say that you're pretty damn cool ;)

Additionally, I find that I get huge headaches during work when I fail to stay hydrated. Having a plentiful source of water by my side at all times will only help fuel my hustle further ;)

Purchase my favorite reusable glass water bottle here.

4. Hop on the scale every couple of days or once a week, not every day.

Trust me when I say that hopping on the scale every single day will make your efforts feel ineffective and discarded. Weight loss doesn't happen overnight, so trust the process. Most importantly, trust yourself and that you're doing everything in your power to make healthy choices.

Personally, I like to hop on the scale every couple of days to see if my altered eating regimen made a huge difference or not. Whenever I carefully monitor what I eat for the day, the scale definitely shows the results that I'm looking for. 

5. Choose the fruit over dessert.

Whenever I find a dessert craving lurking in the corner of my mind before bedtime, I refuse to give myself the time of day to think about it and opt for a pear or banana instead. Eating a piece of fruit will keep you just as satiated and satisfied, and eating one dessert may often lead you to further junk food temptations that your body doesn't need.

6. Never grocery shop when you're hungry.

If there's one thing that Nutrition class taught me, it's to never shop for groceries when you're starving. From the wise words of my professor and my own personal experience, this statement has never been more true.

Here's a quick story - I don't know why, but there was this one day I was grocery shopping while hungry and I ended up buying 3-5 extra snacks that I didn't need or even want to eat once I went home to eat a proper meal.

Lesson learned, I'll say. Save your hunger and money by eating a satisfying meal first before you enter the grocery store. Don't say I didn't warn ya ;)

Whew, now that we've breezed by the six tips, I hope that at least one of these tips resonated with you to make healthier choices in the long run! Now for the moment that you've all been waiting for, let's get to the GIVEAWAY! ;)

With Missmisschelle, I always aim to use my platform to promote environmentally friendly practices and eco-friendly products. Thus, I've partnered up with one of my favorite workout gear brands, Inside Out Active (@insideoutactive), to host TWO giveaways on my social media channels - one Instagram Giveaway and one Facebook Giveaway. You can find the respective rules on both my Instagram and Facebook pages, so be sure to follow those required rules first before reading the remaining rule below.

Two lucky winners will be winning an ENTIRE WORKOUT LOOK from Inside Out Active -  yep, that means one flowy workout tank, one pair of comfortable workout leggings, and one COMFY AF sports bra. Can somebody say #winning?

P.S. I cannot STRESS how much I love their sports bra, as I've worn it for years throughout intense hip hop dance practices and workout grinds at the gym. Also, I think it's super cool to brag that I'm wearing a one-of-a-kind sports bra that's 95% made of bamboo, heh ;)

Wearing Inside Out Active workout tank, sports bra, and workout leggings.

Wearing Inside Out Active workout tank, sports bra, and workout leggings.


>> To complete this giveaway, all you have to do is comment down below which tip you enjoyed reading the most from this blog post and whether you're entering the Instagram giveaway, Facebook giveaway, or both! Don't forget to leave your full name, Instagram handle (if you have one), and email address in the comments section as well! <<

Good luck to all of you and I'll be announcing TWO lucky winners total in seven days on both Instagram, Facebook, and my blog. Giveaway is open to US residents only. With that being said, stay hydrated and healthy, everybody! :)

Much Love,
